At Pix & Flix Photo Booth, we believe in transparency.
We realize that event planning can be overwhelming, and we don't want to add to the noise.
We share our pricing right here on our site — no waiting for a response from us to get a starting price.
NO hidden taxes or fees. We never want to sell you something you don't need and are happy to work with you to make a custom collection that works for your specific event.
A photo booth can be a perfect way to celebrate and entertain your guests while capturing photos that show off their personalities and the joy of your day. Our mission is to create a fun and seamless experience with lifelong memories!
We are available for corporate parties, weddings, anniversaries, you name it!
~Delivery and Setup
~Personalized template for your event
~Unlimited amount of photos, GIF's, and boomerangs
~An easy-to-share online gallery of all the images
~Unlimited amount of digital downloads
~Ability to send images directly to guests through WIFI
or airdrop
~No hidden taxes or fees
~3 hours photo booth coverage
~Delivery and setup
~Personalized template for your event
~Ability to capture photos, GIF's and Boomerangs
~Custom online gallery of all the images from your day
~Ability to send images directly to guests through WIFI or airdrop
~All inclusive, meaning, no hidden taxes or fees
~4 hours photo booth coverage
~Delivery and setup
~Personalized template for your event
~Backdrop with backdrop stand
~Ability to capture photos, GIF's and Boomerangs
~Custom online gallery of all the images from your day
~Ability to send images directly to guests through WIFI or airdrop
~All inclusive, meaning, no hidden taxes or fees
~5 hours photo booth coverage
~Delivery and setup
~Personalized template for your event
~Backdrop and backdrop stand
~Photo booth props w/ table & linen
~Ability to capture photos, GIF's and Boomerangs
~Custom online gallery of all the images from your day
~Ability to send images directly to guests through WIFI or airdrop
~All inclusive, meaning, no hidden taxes or fees
Here is an example of some of the ways we can make your photo booth experience unique to you.
Hour of coverage add-on: $200
Backdrop with backdrop stand: $150
Photo booth props: $75
Reserve your date!
With a signed contract and a retainer fee of 50%, the date will officially be yours!
Chat with our company about what collection will work best for you.
Please fill out our contact form with the event date and venue.
We will get back to you within 48 hours!
View our collection options below and see which one may work for you.
The Process